Saturday, 5 July 2014

SunPy Database Browser Meeting on 5th July, 2014

Nabil, Stuart and I had discussion regarding the Sunpy Database Browser on the 5th of July, 2014. Various points were discussed during the meeting:
1. EIT files seem to have a problem with being loaded in into the SunPy database. This is because the SunPy database does not apparently allow WAVEUNIT attribute to be None. And the EIT file in the has WAVEUNIT as None. Thus it is not been able to load in the database. This can be due to one of the following two problems:
a. The header of the SunPy's sample EIT file is faulty
b. The SunPy database module apparently does not have the functionality to deal with None WAVEUNIT, and hence EIT files
So, Nabil has assigned me to try and download more of EIT test files and check their headers. If the header of SunPy's sample file is faulty then we will replace the SunPy's test file else we will amend the sunpy.database
2. Stuart has created a pull request for solar co-ordinate handling in Ginga. I shall try to pull in this PR and try to render SunPy's sample, solar FITS files and take screenshots to send to Eric.

3. Start work on the Search Box feature in the Database GUI